Thursday, October 2, 2008

Podcast Episode 1 - An Introduction

Welcome to the first episode of Link 4 Learning. Strenthening the partnership between parents and teachers in education. In this episode I give you an idea of my background and fill you in on my goals for this podcast.

I realise that it requires a team effort for children to achieve their full potential. At home parents can be laying the ground work by helping their children to love learning and to ask questions as they explore the world around them. In the classroom, students receive explicit teaching and opportunities to practice with teacher support. Parents are then able to show children how their learning relates to life outside the classroom.

Whether your child has more than enough homework, too little homework, or troubles in some areas, I hope this podcast will provide you with support. I also feel that homeschooling families may find the topics we cover useful.

Please email your questions and let me know what has worked for you and your child. Bring the dialogue to life.

For podcast, click below:

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